HIPAA Complaints Header Image

HIPAA Complaint Form

The information you provide here will remain confidential to the extent possible. However we may need to divulge information to investigate your claim.

Anyone may file a complaint. Members of the workforce may use this form to report violations of HIPAA by others in the workforce free from fear of retaliation.

Please remember do not enter any Protected Health Information (PHI) on this form.

If you have questions about this form, please email the Hillsborough County HIPAA Privacy Officer or call 1-800-466-5400.

Please click the "Next" , "Previous" or or arrow buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate through the form

Who We Cover

Our HIPAA Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring compliance of the following Hillsborough County departments/offices (click on the name of the department/office to see a description for that entity):

If you have a HIPAA complaint against your doctor, hospital, dentist, or any other agency/entity other than those listed above, you will need to contact them directly. We only provide compliance investigations for those Hillsborough County Administrator's departments listed above. 

By checking the box below you verify that the complaint you want to file is against one of the Hillsborough County departments/offices listed above. Further, I understand that Hillsborough County cannot help with or investigate HIPAA complaints that are for any angencies/entities not on the list.


Anonymously File

You are free to file a HIPAA complaint anonymously. Please note, if you choose to file anonymously, once it is filed, you will not be able to follow up on the complaint.

In order for us to follow up with you, and for you to receive updates on the complaint, we will need your contact information, including your name, address, phone, and email.

Do you wish to file this complaint anonymously?*

Personal Information


Disclosure Consent

Consent to Disclose Your Name*

Employment Information

Are you a Hillsborough County employee?*
Employees may file complaints anonymously

Complaint Information

Date you first noticed action or believe a violation of health information privacy rights occurred:
Are you filing this complaint for someone else?*
I have reason to believe that one or more of the following has occurred: (check as many as apply)*
Do you have a witness/witnesses?*
Witness #1 Name
Witness #1 Address
Do you need to add another witness?*
Witness #2 Name
Witness #2 Address

Complaint Resolution

Save and Resume Later

All information submitted by this form or via email becomes a public record to the extent provided by law.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.